What does
In-depth mean for you?
Please see my tier packages. I would be happy to help you with your family tree.
Historical websites, genealogy websites, city and state records.
Ancestry.com, Newpapers.com, Fold3.com
I promise to to put the same amount of effort into researching your ancestors as I do mine.
In-Depth Online Records Search
Online Records Search
Time: 5 hours
• Begin your family tree or show you how to start.
• Records search and consult on how you can begin your geneaolgy journey.
In-depth Searches, Consulting or Resources
Online Records Search
Time: 15 hours
• Records research or consult and assist on family tree set up and expansion.
• Conduct ancestor research and attach records that correlate to that ancestor.
• Additional research as needed.
$285 (5% discount)
PACKAGE THREE In-depth Searches, Consulting, Travel if needed, and more…
Online or On-site Records Search
• Time: 25 hours
• Records research or consult and assisting on family free set up and expansion.
• Conduct ancestor research and attach records that correlate to that ancestor.
• Will travel up to 100 miles or we can negoitate further distances if needed.
• Records Search: 3 Hours
$562.50 (10% discount)
Plus mileage for travel work